Wade Abadie

Wade Abadie


(281) 702-0457

Wade was raised in the greater Houston area and holds a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Business from Sam Houston State University. His career in farm & ranch real estate began in 2012, driven by a deep passion for land, wildlife conservation, and rural America. He also spent several years in rural lending, enhancing his capabilities as a well-rounded land agent.

Wade’s love for the outdoors began early on, growing up hunting, fishing, and clay shooting. He started out hunting Whitetails in the Texas Hill Country but later broadened his pursuits to include native and exotic game across various regions, including Africa.

Wade lives in Hockley, TX with his wife and two daughters, where they enjoy traveling together as a family. Wade is also an avid nature photographer, a passion he actively pursues throughout the year.

Wade Abadie


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