Derek Ham
Derek Ham
Born in the panhandle of Texas and raised in Houston, Derek Ham has also lived separate lives in Austin, where he went to college, Los Angeles, where he worked in the music industry, and Houston, where he owned a commercial construction company. All the while a hunter, each place Derek has lived has given him perspective on life and the outdoors. His father gave him the passion and tools to appreciate the land, what it can offer, and how it can help people bond and even heal. He has a true passion for hunting and conservation and likes to share that passion by giving back through several outdoor and hunting-based charities he has been involved with over the years. Specializing in ranch property allows Derek to be outdoors almost every day and meet people with the same love for the land.
Though most of his hunting has taken place in the great state of Texas, Derek has also been fortunate to hunt internationally in Newfoundland, Spain, New Zealand, and Greenland. Texas may be his first love to hunt, but a close second is Alaska, where he took the number 11 all-time Pope and Young moose with his recurve bow. Derek’s life and work experience make him a unique, resourceful, and ambitious agent who will work tirelessly to help you sell or find your dream property. Derek currently lives in Houston with his wife, two dogs, and a cat that only likes his wife.

Active Listings:
16 Acres
New Listing
310 Acres
New Listing
13 Acres
16 Acres
37 Acres
51 Acres
403 Acres
20 Acres
657 Acres
58 Acres
60 Acres
186 Acres